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Software Development Terms Beginning with E

Editing Platform

An editing platform (IDE) is the app used by editors (developers) to prepare documents for publication.

Popular editing platforms used by most software developers are Sublime Text, Visual Studio, Atom, and Brackets.


An editor is a person that edits a software document.

Effect Hook (ReactJS)

The effect hook (useEffect) allows a function component to hook into React's lifecycle features for performing side effects.

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else Conditional Statement in JavaScript

The else conditional statement instructs that if the if statement's condition is false, the computer should execute the else statement's code block.

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else if Conditional Statement in JavaScript

The else if conditional statement instructs the computer that if the if statement's condition is false, JavaScript should execute the else if's code block based on a different condition.

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Encapsulation is the privatization of an object's data while providing publicly available methods for users to operate on the private data.

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Encode means converting a character from its standard form into code. By so doing, only those who understand the applied coding system will know the original character.

Encode (Computing)

Encode means converting human-readable characters, such as 6, G, and %, into computer-readable characters (bits).

For instance, the bits (binary digits) form of the decimal number 7 is 111. In other words, using 111 to represent 7 means you've encoded 7 into the computer-readable character of 111.

Knowing how to encode is beneficial. And having some encoding converters can come in handy.

End Of (RegExp)

Regular expression's end of operator ($) asserts that you wish to find the RegExp pattern at the end of a string.

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End-to-End Test (TDD)

An End-to-End (E2E) test is a test written to assess the functionality of a user interface.

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Entry Point

An entry point is a file that a bundler uses to start building a dependency graph of all the project's modules it needs to combine into a single browser-compatible module.

An entry point is the most critical file of a build step that links (directly or indirectly) to every other module in a project.

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Enumerable Properties

An enumerable property is a property whose enumerable attribute's value is configured to be true.

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Equality Operator in JavaScript

The equality operator (==) checks if its two operands are of equal value.

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Error Handling Phase (ReactJS)

A component's error handling phase is the period when an error occurs in any of the following cases:

  • During the component instance's rendering
  • In a lifecycle method of the component
  • In any child component's constructor

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Error Handling Statement in JavaScript

An error handling statement is a piece of code that allows you to test, manage, and create custom error messages.

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Escape (RegExp)

Regular expression's escape operator (\) specifies that you wish to escape a character's default type.

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exec() in JavaScript

exec() executes a search for a regular expression pattern in its string argument.

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Execution Time

Execution time (also called runtime) is the time during which a program is running.

In other words, execution time is the execution period (or lifecycle phase) of a program—which begins from the time the program is invoked and ends when the program's invocation is closed.

Expensive Operation (Computing)

An expensive (or costly) operation is a resource-intensive task. It is an operation that uses a lot of resources, such as CPU, memory, or disk drive.

Expression Statement in JavaScript

An expression statement is any piece of code that expresses a value.

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extends Keyword in JavaScript

The extends keyword in JavaScript makes one class the child of another constructor.

In other words, the extends keyword assigns a constructor (class or function) as a specified class's dunder proto.

External CSS

External CSS styles one or more HTML pages' content by linking the HTML document to an external stylesheet.

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External Hardware

External hardware is the externally connected components of a machine that users connect through the device's ports.

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