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Software Development Terms Beginning with B


Base indicates the number of unique digits from zero (0) that you can use to express numbers in a standard positional numeral system.

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Base Case

A base case is a code written to discontinue the re-invocation of a recursive function.

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BigInt in JavaScript

BigInt is a unique numeric data type used mainly for arbitrarily lengthy integers.

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Binary means two parts.

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Binary Operator in JavaScript

Binary operators are operators that accept two operands. Some examples are equality and greater than operators.


bind() is one of JavaScript's built-in methods that you can use to reassign a specific method from one object to a different one.

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A bit means binary digit.

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Blocking (JavaScript)

Blocking is a term used to refer to the spinning cursor moments (when the browser appears frozen). In such a period, the currently running operation blocks the browser from doing other things until it has finished its execution.

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Boolean in JavaScript

Boolean states the falseness or truthfulness of an expression (or variable).

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Bracketed Expression

A bracketed expression is an expression placed inside a pair of square brackets.

Here's an example:

// Initialize a num variable with a number:
let num = 0;

// Assign a string value to an enSuites variable:
const enSuites = "East";

// Define a doorNo object and compute each of its properties' names:
const doorNo = {
[enSuites + ++num]: num,
[enSuites + ++num]: num,
[enSuites + ++num]: num,

// Check the doorNo's content:

// The invocation above will return:
{East1: 1, East2: 2, East3: 3}

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In the JavaScript snippet above, enSuites + ++num is a bracketed expression because it is an expression placed inside a pair of square brackets.

Bracketed String

A bracketed string is a string value placed inside a pair of square brackets.

Here's an example:

// Define a properties object:
const manager = { firstName: "Jonny", son: "Paul", wife: "Beauty" };

// Define a variable:
const wife = "son";

// Invoke the manager object's wife property:

// The invocation above will return: "Beauty"

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In the JavaScript snippet above, "wife" is a bracketed string because it is a string value placed inside a pair of square brackets.

Bracketed Variable

A bracketed variable is a variable placed inside a pair of square brackets.

Here's an example:

// Define a properties object:
const manager = { firstName: "Jonny", son: "Paul", wife: "Beauty" };

// Define a variable:
const wife = "son";

// Invoke the wife variable's value inside the manager object:

// The invocation above will return: "Paul"

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In the JavaScript snippet above, wife is a bracketed variable because it is a variable placed inside a pair of square brackets.

Breakpoint (Media Query)

A media query breakpoint is the page-size that triggers an @media rule's CSS style declarations.


A browser is a software application used to view a website's content.

In other words, browsers are like digital showcase containers for displaying billions of resources.

Illustration of a

Tourists look at a showcase of a jewelry store in Rome – Image by Egor Myznik

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Microsoft Edge are commonly used browsers.

  • Browsers are sometimes called web browsers or internet browsers.
  • Technically, a browser is a type of client (also called a software program) used by computers to request and receive data from another software (computer).
  • Email clients, Window Desktop Client, and Postman are other client types that computers can use to request and receive data from other software.

Browser API

Browser APIs are the web APIs web browsers publish to allow access to the browser's built-in features.

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Build Step

A build step is a process through which a module bundler builds a new browser compatible JavaScript file.


Build step is sometimes called build time.

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A byte is a unit of bits.

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