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Hoisting in JavaScript – Explained with Examples

Hoisting refers to JavaScript giving higher precedence to the declaration of variables, classes, and functions during a program's execution.

Hoisting makes the computer process declarations before any other code.


Hoisting does not mean JavaScript rearranges or move code above one another.

Hoisting simply gives higher specificity to JavaScript declarations. Thus, it makes the computer read and process declarations first before analyzing any other code in a program. So, here is the order of precedence:

  1. Process declarations.
  2. Process other code in order as they appear in the program.

For instance, consider this snippet:

// Declare a variable:
let bestFood = "Fish and Chips";

// Declare another variable:
let myBestMeal = function () {
let bestFood = "Vegetable Fried Rice";

// Invoke myBestMeal function:

// The code above will return:
// "Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'bestFood' before initialization"

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The snippet above returned a ReferenceError because of the order of precedence by which the computer executed each code.

In other words, the program's declarations got higher precedence over initializations, invocations, and other code.

Let's go through a step-by-step tour of how JavaScript executed the snippet above.

How JavaScript Hoisting Works

Below is a walk-through of how JavaScript executed the previous snippet.

1. JavaScript parsed the first bestFood declaration

let bestFood; // This is the first bestFood declaration in the program

The first bestFood variable declaration is the first code the computer analyzed.

Note that after the computer read the bestFood variable declaration, JavaScript automatically kept the variable in a temporal dead zone until it got fully initialized.

Therefore, any attempt to access bestFood before its complete initialization would return a ReferenceError.

2. The computer parsed myBestMeal variable declaration

let myBestMeal;

The myBestMeal variable declaration was the second code JavaScript analyzed.

Immediately after the computer read the myBestMeal variable declaration, JavaScript automatically kept the variable in a temporal dead zone until it got fully initialized.

Therefore, any attempt to access myBestMeal before its complete initialization would return a ReferenceError.

3. The computer initialized the bestFood variable

bestFood = "Fish and Chips";

The computer's third step was to initialize bestFood with the "Fish and Chips" string value.

Therefore, invoking bestFood at this point would return "Fish and Chips".

4. JavaScript initialized myBestMeal variable

myBestMeal = function () {
let bestFood = "Vegetable Fried Rice";

Fourthly, JavaScript initialized myBestMeal with the specified function. So, if you had invoked myBestMeal at this point, the function would have returned.

5. The computer invoked myBestMeal's function


The invocation of myBestMeal's function was the computer's fifth action.

After the invocation, the computer processed each code in the function's block. However, the declarations had higher precedence over other code.

6. JavaScript parsed the function's bestFood declaration

let bestFood; // This is the second bestFood declaration in the program

JavaScript's sixth task was to analyze the function's bestFood variable declaration.

After the analysis, JavaScript automatically kept the variable in a temporal dead zone—until its complete initialization.

Therefore, any attempt to access bestFood before its complete initialization would return a ReferenceError.

7. The computer parsed the function's console.log statement


Finally, the computer read the console.log statement—which instructed the system to log bestFood's content to the browser's console.

However, remember that the computer has not fully initialized the function's bestFood variable yet. As such, the variable is currently in a temporal dead zone.

Therefore, the system's attempt to access the variable returned a ReferenceError.


After the ReferenceError returned, the computer stopped reading the function's code. Therefore, JavaScript did not initialize the function's bestFood variable with "Vegetable Fried Rice".

Wrapping It Up

Let's see the previous walk-through of our program in one piece:

let bestFood; // 1. JavaScript parsed the first bestFood declaration

let myBestMeal; // 2. the computer parsed myBestMeal variable declaration

bestFood = "Fish and Chips"; // 3. the computer initialized the bestFood variable

myBestMeal = function () {
let bestFood = "Vegetable Fried Rice";
}; // 4. JavaScript initialized myBestMeal variable

myBestMeal(); // 5. the computer invoked myBestMeal's function

let bestFood; // 6. JavaScript parsed the function's bestFood declaration

console.log(bestFood); // 7. the computer parsed the function's console.log statement

// "Uncaught ReferenceError"
// bestFood's invocation returned an Error

You can see that JavaScript processed the program's declarations before other code.

The parsing of declarations before other code in a program is what we call "hoisting".


This article discussed what JavaScript hoisting is. We also used an example to illustrate how hoisting works.

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